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OnBuoy Sails into Summer with Exciting Updates!

We’re excited to share some of the new features that we added to OnBuoy to make it even easier to find your next boating destination! Whether you are a host adding your spot to the community or a boater looking to find your next trip, our latest updates are designed to streamline the process for both parties.

new OnBuoy map features

Here’s What’s New:

Increased Host Payouts

To show our appreciation for your hospitality, we've increased host payouts to 70% (up from 50%). Now you can keep more money in your pocket to help offset those moorage maintenance costs.

Prioritize OnBuoy Host Listings

We've adjusted the search results to prioritize private OnBuoy listings. While public moorages are still available to browse and can be helpful for general location awareness, this tweak puts the spotlight on our fantastic OnBuoy host destinations, making it easier to find your perfect private mooring location.

New Map Features

We've upgraded our map with new filters. Now you can filter your search by essential pit stops, including fuel docks to keep your vessel going, ice machines for frosty refreshments, Certified Clean Marinas for eco-conscious travelers, pump-out stations for responsible waste disposal, and yes, even public moorages (though our amazing OnBuoy hosts might offer a more personalized experience!).

OnBuoy inbox notification

Inbox Notifications

We've added a handy pop-up notification system so you'll never miss a new message in your inbox. Now you can stay on top of your OnBuoy conversations and ensure smooth sailing for your bookings and communication.

onbuoy reviews

Welcome Email Series

Just joining OnBuoy for the first time? We've got your back with our brand new welcome email series. It's like a personal guide to navigate the ins and outs of OnBuoy, delivered in bite-sized pieces (no email bombarding here!). You'll receive helpful tips and tricks every other day for a total of 5 emails, ensuring you're ready to chart your own course on OnBuoy in no time!

Reviews with Photos

You can now add photos to your OnBuoy reviews, letting your fellow boaters see the beauty of your mooring experience firsthand. This allows you to share stunning sunsets, crystal-clear waters, or beautiful marine wildlife - share what made your stay unforgettable.

nonprofit options OnBuoy

Mandatory Boat Information

To ensure a smooth stay for both you and your host, we've made boat information mandatory when requesting a reservation. This helps hosts confirm that your vessel is sized appropriately for their moorage, ensuring adequate holding power for your vessel and a safe, enjoyable experience for everyone.

Homepage Banner

We have a brand new banner on the homepage (where you found this article!), keeping you in the loop with all things OnBuoy. From the latest features of OnBuoy in the news to timely boating recommendations, be sure to check it out when you visit the OnBuoy website!

Donate to Local Non-Profits

OnBuoy is proud to support the health of our waterways. Now you can choose to donate a portion of your mooring proceeds to local marine non-profit groups, including The Northwest Straits Foundation, Puget Soundkeepers, Friends of the San Juans, and The Sailing Foundation.